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St Vincent's Badge

Vincent's Family

A poem written by our Vice Chairperson, Helen Beagan and Vice Secretary, Emer McAuley.

The Stepping Stones to Success

Lacing up the boots for the first time,

our jerseys all shiny and new.

What was in store for St Vincent’s ladies,

not one of us knew.


A bunch of strangers, 

coming together as one.

Previous players and new ladies, 

trying Gaelic for fun.


At the start

our ladies numbers were few.

Training with the lads,

there were sometimes just us two.


Approaching girls with an Irish voice

on a night out.

Even sporty girls

who just wanted a kick about.


This became a routine,

we don’t give up easy I swear.

As in this team we had faith,

we really did care.


The persistence soon paid off, 

as our team grew and grew.

Not just Irish,

English, Canadian, American and Australian too.


Everyone is welcomed 

with open arms to our club.

To train or play competitive,

or even as a sub.


Off the pitch

we indeed made some memories too.

On the weekends

we will have a dance and a cheeky one or two.


I can honestly say, 

more than team mates we have become.

A great community,

a Sheffield family for some.


This year we have played in,

leagues and championships and 7 a side too.

Won our first ever game

and our confidence grew.


Many thanks to those, 

who have helped us get where we are today.

Great support in Sheffield

and far away.


To our coaches Michael and Niall, 

a massive thank you is due.

For believing in us, developing our skills

and stopping us gossiping at training too.


What a privilege,

to have been co-captains of this team.

To reflect and to smile

on the success it has been.


For the future we can only hope 

for success and memories to be made.

For the team to grow,

new players to feel welcome and not afraid.


We hope you enjoy tonight, be merry and celebrate,

it has to be said.

Happy one year anniversary to St Vincent’s, 

a bright future we have ahead.


St Vincent's Home Ground

Sport Sheffield

Norton Sports Park

289 Warminster Road


S8 8PS

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